Regulation (EU) 2016/679 for the protection of personal data establishes a new approach for the control and processing of personal data. We have reviewed and adapted our privacy policy to the new requirements and we want to offer more information and transparency in relation to the processing of personal data. In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, it is stated that this page corresponds to the entity:


  • Company legal Name: MAJOR LEAGUE SL
  • Registered Office: Edificio INNSOMNIA, C. de la Travesía, 15b, base 2, 46024, Valencia, Spain
  • Address for Notification purposes: Edificio INNSOMNIA, C. de la Travesía, 15b, base 2, 46024, Valencia, Spain
  • Email:
  • Domain Name:
  • Company VAT Number: B40637134
  • For any questions, you can contact AlmaWolf by email


Date of last modification/update of this legal notice: March 1, 2021


In case you want to consult questions related to the GDPR or the processing of your personal data you can write to us at




AlmaWolf makes this document available to users with which it intends to comply with the obligations set forth in Law 34/2002, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), as well as information to all users of the site regarding the conditions that govern its use.


Any person who accesses this website and those that the company assumes as its own will have the role of user, committing to the observance and strict compliance with the provisions set forth herein, as well as any other legal provision that may apply.


The person in charge reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website without any obligation to pre-notify or inform the users of said modifications, with mere publication on the website of the person responsible being sufficient.




The responsible party disclaims any liability arising from the information published on its website, provided that this information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party outside it.


The website of the responsible party uses cookies (small information files that the server sends to the computer of the person accessing the page) to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for the proper functioning and visualization of the site.


It is possible that on the website there are links to content from third-party websites. Since the person in charge cannot always control the contents introduced by said third parties on their websites, the latter does not assume any responsibility for said content. In any case, the person in charge states that it will proceed to the immediate removal of any content that could contravene national or international legislation, morals, or public order, proceeding to the immediate removal of the link to said website, informing the competent authorities of the content in question.


The person responsible for the site is not responsible for the information and contents stored, by way of example but not limited to, in forums, chats, blogs, comments, social networks, or any other means that allows third parties to publish content independently on the website of the responsible. However, and in compliance with the provisions of art. 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, the person in charge of the site is made available to all users, authorities, and security forces, actively collaborating in the withdrawal or in its case the blocking of all those contents that could affect or contravene national or international legislation, third party rights or morality and public order.


If the user considers that there is any content on the website that could be susceptible to this classification, please notify the administrator of the website immediately.


This website has been reviewed and tested to work properly. In principle, its correct continued operation can be presumed. However, the person in charge does not rule out the possibility of certain programming errors, or that technical or human errors occur, own or third parties, causes of mayor force, natural disasters, strikes, or similar circumstances that make access to its contents impossible and functionalities.




AlmaWolf has appointed the following entity to perform all billing related to this (AlmaWolf) product subscription.


  • Corporate Name: AlmaWolf
  • Registered Office: 19 Lebon Street | Valencia 46023, Spain
  • Address for Notification purposes: 19 Lebon Street | Valencia 46023, Spain
  • Email:
  • Domain Name:
  • Company Legal Name: MAJOR LEAGUE S.L.
  • Company VAT Number: B40637134
  • For any questions, you can contact AlmaWolf by email






The person responsible for the website is committed to compliance with personal data protection regulations and guarantees full compliance with the obligations provided, as well as the implementation of security measures provided in art. 9 of Law 15/1999, of Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and in the Regulation of Development of the LOPD.


The person responsible makes the entity’s Privacy Policy available to users, informing users about the following aspects:


  • Personal data processing data.
  • Data processed
  • Files in which they are stored.
  • Purpose of the treatment.
  • Mandatory or not to facilitate them, as well as the consequences in case of not facilitating them.
  • Rights that assist every user and the procedure to exercise them.




AlmaWolf, and all its websites, including but not limited to its programming, editing, compilation, and other elements necessary for its operation, the designs, logos, codes, texts, and/or graphics are authorship or legitimate property, or, where appropriate, has a license or express authorization from the authors. All the contents of the website are duly protected by the intellectual and industrial property regulations, as well as registered in the corresponding public records, if expressly.


Regardless of the purpose for which they were intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution, and marketing, in any case, requires prior written authorization by the person responsible for digital content in the company, said request can be made to email


Any use not previously authorized by you will be considered a serious breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author, according to the legal regulations in force in Spain.


The designs, logos, codes, texts, and/or graphics outside the responsibility and that may appear on the website, belong to their respective owners, being themselves responsible for any possible controversy that may arise regarding them. In any case, the person in charge has express and prior authorization from them.


The person responsible acknowledges the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights in favor of their owners, not implying their mere mention or appearance on the website of the existence of any rights or responsibility of the person responsible for them, nor an endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by the party of the same.


You can make any kind of observation regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as any of the contents of the website, through the email address




For the resolution of all disputes or issues related to this website or the activities developed therein, Spanish legislation will be applied, to which the parties expressly submit, expressly waiving all Tribunals, which are not of the Madrid, Spain. The Tribunals of Madrid, Spain are competent to resolve all derived or related conflicts.




In accordance with the provisions of the Law on Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and its implementing regulations, in addition to the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Community and in compliance with the provisions of art. 5 and 6 of the LOPD, the person in charge of this website, informs all users that provide or will provide their personal data, that these will be incorporated into a file that has the respective measures to protect said data from any type of attack on The aforementioned database.


By navigating and pressing the button that sends this data the user expressly and freely and unequivocally accepts that their personal data are processed by the person responsible for the site for the following purposes:


Address the requests of users and customers, process their orders or orders, the internal management of the company, support, and commercial attention, and any type of request made by the user through any of the contact forms that are They put at your disposal.


  • Send the electronic commercial newsletter of the website.


The sending of commercial advertising communications by email, fax, SMS, MMS, social communities, or any other electronic or physical means, present or future, makes commercial communications possible. Said commercial communications will be related to products or services offered by the person in charge of the website, as well as by the collaborators or partners with whom the latter had reached a commercial promotion agreement between their clients. In this case, AlmaWolf may carry out commercial actions with this data, but never a third party may access them. In any case, commercial communications will be made by the provider and will be products and services related to the sector of activity of the person responsible for this website.


  • Perform statistical studies


The person in charge of the site expressly informs and guarantees users that their personal data will not be transferred in any case to third-party companies and that whenever any type of transfer of personal data was to be made, prior, express, informed consent would be requested, and unequivocal by the owners.


Unless stated otherwise, all Data requested through the website are mandatory, as they are necessary for the provision of an optimal service to the user. The person in charge of the site cannot guarantee that the information and services provided will be completely adjusted to your needs in case all the data is not provided.


The person in charge of the site guarantees in any case to the user the exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, information, and opposition, in the terms provided in the current legislation. Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), you may exercise your rights by sending an express request, together with a copy of your ID, via email or mail Postal to the addresses mentioned in the heading.


In the same way, the user can unsubscribe from any of the subscription services provided by clicking on the unsubscribe or subscription link of any of the emails sent by the person in charge, or simply replying to the email requesting it.


The person in charge of the site has adopted all the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data that it treats, as well as to prevent its loss, alteration, and/or access by unauthorized third parties.




The website servers may automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user, in addition to other data related to this practice. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to a computer when it is connected to the internet. All this information is recorded in a server activity file that allows the subsequent processing of the data in order to obtain only statistical measurements that allow knowing the number of page impressions, the number of visits made to the web services, the order of visits, the point of access and exit, etc.




The website uses information security techniques generally accepted in the industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures, and cryptographic mechanisms, all in order to prevent unauthorized access to data. To achieve these purposes, the user or client accepts that the provider obtains data for the purposes of the corresponding authentication in the access controls.


Any contracting or other processes that involve the introduction of personal data of a high nature, such as health or ideology, will always be transmitted through a secure communication protocol (HTTPS), so that no third party has access to the transmitted information electronically.




Our website (the “Website”) uses a technology called “cookies” in order to collect information about the use of the Website.


We inform you that we can use cookies in order to facilitate your navigation through the Website, distinguish you from other users, provide you with a better experience in the use of it, and identify problems to improve our Website. Also, in case you give your consent, we will use cookies that allow us to obtain more information about your preferences and to personalize our Website in accordance with your individual interests.


The purpose of this cookie policy is to inform you clearly and precisely about the cookies used on our Website (the “Cookies Policy”). In case you want to gather more information about the cookies that we use on the Website, you can send an email to the following address:




A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer (computer or mobile device) in order to store data that can be updated and retrieved by the entity responsible for its installation.


The information collected through cookies may include the date and time of visits to the Website, the pages viewed, the time you have been on our Website and the sites visited just before and after it.


  • Type of cookies used on the Website


Our Website uses the cookies described below:


  • Own cookies


Are those cookies that are sent to your computer and managed exclusively by us for the best functioning of the Website. The information we collect is used to improve the quality of our service and your user experience. These cookies remain in your browser longer, allowing us to recognize you as a recurring visitor to the Website and adapt the content to offer content that fits your preferences.


cookielawinfo-checkbox-advertisementCookie analysis1
cookielawinfo-checkbox-analyticsCookie analysis1
cookielawinfo-checkbox-functionalCookie analysis1
cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessaryCookie analysis1
cookielawinfo-checkbox-othersCookie analysis1
cookielawinfo-checkbox-performanceCookie analysis1
pll_languageCookie analysis1


  • Zoho cookies


Many Zoho Services are integrated. The use of some of these Zoho Services may require the acceptance of specific terms of service for the collection of information through Zoho.


Through Zoho, you can collect data such as the Internet Protocol address, browser type, browser language, referral URL, files accessed, time zone, and visitor operating system of your website. You can use the information collected to maintain the quality of your website, improve visitor participation, and for general statistical purposes.


  • Identification and monitoring of visitors to your website


Zoho uses source cookies to report visitor interactions on its website. These cookies are small text files stored on visitor devices by your browser. These cookies:
i) allow you to identify the visitors of your website and
ii) collect the visitor data mentioned above. Your visitors can change the settings to block cookies or to receive alerts when cookies are being sent to their devices.


Our company manages its internal daily work through tools from the computer suite. If you want to review its conservation or retention policies or want us to help you understand them, you have the information at the following link privacy.html specifically in the “Retention of information” sections. It is the policy used in webforms, support through chat, etc.


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  • Third-party analytical cookies


On our Website, we also use the Google Analytics audience measurement system, a Google web analysis tool that allows us to know how users of our Website interact. Likewise, it enables cookies in the domain of the site in which the user is located and uses a set of cookies called “__utma” and “__utmz” to collect information anonymously and prepare trend reports of the Website without identifying individual users. More information about Google Analytics cookies and information about privacy.


Together with our server log files, they allow us to know the total number of users who visit our Website and those parts of it that are most popular. Thanks to them we obtain information that can help us improve navigation and provide a better service to users and customers.


If you interact with the content of our Website, third-party cookies may also be set (for example, by pressing social media buttons or watching videos hosted on another website). Third-party cookies are those established by a different domain of our Website. We can not Access the data stored in the cookies of other websites when browsing the aforementioned websites.


We include below the link to the Google website where you can check the description of the type of cookies used by Google Analitycs and its expiration period:


  • Consent


By browsing and continuing on our Website you will be consenting to the use of the aforementioned cookies, for the periods indicated and in the conditions contained in this Cookies Policy.


  • Disable and block cookies


In any case, we inform you that since cookies are not necessary for the use of our Website, you can block or disable them by activating the configuration of your browser that allows you to refuse the installation of all cookies or some of them. The majority of browsers allow you to warn of the presence of cookies or to reject them automatically. If you reject them you can continue using our Website, although the use of some of its services may be limited and therefore your experience on our Website less satisfactory.


  • Withdraw my consent


If you wish to withdraw your consent related to this Cookies Policy at any time, you must delete the cookies stored on your computer (computer or mobile device) through the settings and configurations of your Internet browser.


For more information on the deletion, disabling or blocking of cookies please visit: Modification of the configuration and settings on cookies


Unless you have adjusted your browser settings, our system will create cookies as soon as you visit our Website. Keep in mind that all Internet browsers allow changing such settings. For more information on how to adjust your settings Cookies in the following browsers, we refer you to the relevant link:


Internet Explorer






















• –


  • Changes to the Cookies Policy


We may update the Cookies Policy of our Website, so we recommend you review this policy each time you access our Website in order to be properly informed about how and for what we use cookies. The Cookies Policy was last updated to date [04 / October / 2019].


  • Contact


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about the Cookies Policy, please write to




1. Identification and contact details of the person responsible for the treatment.


2. General information: description of the information contained in the privacy policy.


3. Necessary and updated information.


4. Exercise of your rights.


5. Detailed information on the treatments performed by service.


  1. 1. Co-responsibility services of AlmaWolf
  2. 2. Services responsible for AlmaWolf


6. Security


7. Confidentiality


8. Minors


9. Update of the privacy policy


1. Identification and contact details of the Responsible / Responsible for the treatment.


AlmaWolf is responsible for the processing of personal data that is processed through this website and its subdomains (the “Website”). You can consult the information related to WP that manages the Website by visiting the Legal Notice that appears at the bottom of the main page. This clause provides information on the use that AlmaWolf will make of your personal data.


Likewise, we inform you that AlmaWolf with address at Atocha Station Building, Méndez Álvaro Street,20, Madrid, Spain.; hereinafter AlmaWolf are responsible for the processing of your personal data for the purpose of providing the services identified in this policy of Privacy.


Likewise, this Privacy Policy is intended to provide information on the rights of both the User and the Visitor under the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, contact AlmaWolf at the following email address


2. General information: description of the information contained in the privacy policy.


In this privacy policy, you will find a table identifying each of the different services offered by AlmaWolf  as appropriate.


In these informative tables you will be informed about:


The purposes of the processing of your personal data, that is, the reason why AlmaWolf (as identified in section 5) treats your personal data.


The legal bases that allow the processing of data by AlmaWolf for each of the indicated purposes.


The possible communication of your data to third parties, as well as the cause of such communication. For this purpose, we inform you that we do not transfer your personal data to third parties except when there is a legal obligation (Public Finance, Judges and Courts, Security Forces and Bodies, …) or expressly indicated in the table below. On the other hand, those in charge of the AlmaWolf (as identified in section 5) that is, the service providers who have to access their personal data for the development of their functions. The service providers that access your personal data, in general, are dedicated to the information systems, technology, and call center sectors. The following table will indicate those other sectors in whose virtue the service providers of AlmaWolf (as identified in section 5) they have to access their personal data.


We inform you that you can request more information about the recipients of your data by sending an email to the address, indicating the specific treatment on whose recipients you would like information.


The existence of potential international data transfers.


The term conservation of the data that you provide us. For these purposes, we inform you that we keep your personal data during the entire term of the contractual relationship or for a longer period if you have authorized it. Likewise, we inform you that your data will remain blocked for the attention of judicial, administrative, or fiscal claims, for the periods legally determined by each regulation that may be applicable.


3. Necessary and updated information


All fields that are marked with an asterisk (*) in the forms provided will be mandatory so that the omission of any of them could lead to the impossibility of being able to provide the requested services. You must provide true information, being prohibited the use of aliases or means to hide your identity, except in cases where the same form expressly requests the creation of a username, nickname, or alias.


At the time of creating user names or access codes, or providing any information that may be requested in the different existing forms, you may not choose expressions or graphic-denominative sets that are malicious, injurious, coincident with trademarks, trade names, signs of establishments, social denominations, advertising expressions, names or pseudonyms of persons of public or famous relevance for whose use is not authorized, and, in general, contrary to the law or to the demands of morality and generally accepted good customs.


It is essential that you protect the reference numbers, passwords, and access codes that you create or are provided at all times. You will be solely responsible for the use, authorized or not, of your account.


Likewise, by clicking on the “I Accept” button (or equivalent) incorporated in the aforementioned forms, you declare that the information and data that you have provided are accurate and truthful.


4. Exercise of your rights


We inform you that you can exercise the following rights:


  • Right of access to your personal data to know which ones are being processed and the processing operations carried out with them.
  • The right to rectify any inaccurate personal data.
  • The right to delete your personal data.
  • The right to request the limitation of the processing of your personal data when the accuracy, legality, or the need for the processing of the data is doubtful, in which case, we may retain the data to keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.
  • The right to object to the processing of your personal data.
  • Right to the portability of your data.
  • Right to revoke the consent granted to AlmaWolf


You can exercise your rights at any time and for free in the following ways:


  1. By sending an email to the email address: and indicating the right you wish to exercise and your identifying information.
  2. In addition, from your private area on the Web, by accessing the unsubscribe section, you can unsubscribe from all previously accepted commercial communications shipments.


On the other hand, we inform you that you have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection if you believe that an infraction has been committed.


5. Detailed information on the treatments performed by the service


5.1. Co-responsibility services of AlmaWolf


  • Purpose of the treatment
  • Registered users: Management of your personal data for registration as a registered user for the purposes of system management AlmaWolf


Legal base:
Contract relationship management: registration management as a web user that you have requested


Your personal data will not be transferred to any third party.


Conservation term:
During the contractual relationship


  • Sending segmented commercial communications in response to the interests you have provided us, to send you commercial communications, when authorized, more related to your interests.


Legal base:
Consent: by checking the box on the registration form, you will authorize AlmaWolf to send you commercial communications from the sectors identified in the previous column.


Your personal data will not be transferred to any third party nor will access to any additional service provider be facilitated.


5.2. Services responsible for AlmaWolf


Below are the purposes, for services, for which the only person responsible for the treatment is AlmaWolf


  • Purpose of the treatment
  • Newsletter delivery
  • Commercial information about Zoho products and our services.
  • Participation in competitions and exclusive offers
  • Obtaining discounts


Legal base:
Management of the contractual relationship: the provision of the services requested to AlmaWolf constitutes a service provision relationship, even if they are free.


Your personal data will not be transferred to any third party.


Conservation term:
During the relationship


  • Claims and customer service inquiries


Legal base:
The legitimate interest of AlmaWolf to meet the information requirements or claims raised by both subscribers and users of any service or members


Your personal data will not be transferred to any third party nor will access to any service provider be provided in addition to what is indicated.


International transfers:
No international transfers of your personal data will be made


Conservation term:
During the contractual relationship


  • Sending communications of AlmaWolf in order to:


  • Invite you to events,
  • Newsletter delivery
  • Participate in contests or promotions.
  • Other services offered by AlmaWolf
  • In order to send you communications of interest, we will carry out an analysis of the interests that you have shown us.


Legal base:
Consent: by checking the box on the registration form, you will authorize AlmaWolf to send you commercial communications in the terms indicated in the previous column.


Your personal data will not be transferred on the basis of this treatment.


Conservation term:
For 25 months from the last interaction with AlmaWolf or until you revoke your consent (whichever comes first)


  • Sending communications in order to invite you to events, communicate news related to AlmaWolf or the following sectors: employment and training, computer and technology, leisure and entertainment, gastronomy and food, furniture and appliances, antiques, decoration and interiors, organization and associations, auctions, DIY, pets, financial and insurance services, real estate, motor and automotive offers, articles for men/women, travel and tourism, children’s products or music and books


In order to send you commercial communications of interest, AlmaWolf  will carry out an analysis of the interests that you have shown us.


Legal base:
Consent: by checking the box on the registration form, you will authorize AlmaWolf to send you commercial communications from the sectors identified in the previous column.


Your personal data will not be transferred on the basis of this treatment. The categories of service providers that could access your data, in addition to what is indicated.


6. Security


AlmaWolf has implemented and maintains the security levels required by the GDPR to protect the personal data of users against accidental losses and unauthorized access, treatment, or disclosure, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the stored data, and the risks to which they are exposed. However, the transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure; Therefore, and despite the fact that our company makes its best efforts to protect user data, it cannot guarantee their security during transit to the Website. Therefore, all the information you provide will be sent at your own risk. Once your data is received, we will use rigorous procedures and security functions to prevent any unauthorized access.


7. Confidentiality


The personal data that we may collect through the Website or through the different communications that we maintain with you will be treated with confidentiality, committing ourselves to keep secret about them in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation.


8. Minors


Children under 14 may not use the services available through the Website without the prior authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be solely responsible for all acts performed through the Website by the minors in their care, including the completion of the forms with the personal data of said minors and the marking, where appropriate, of the boxes that accompany them. In this sense, and to the extent that AlmaWolf  does not have the capacity to control whether or not the users are minors, it is warned that it must be the parents and guardians who enable the necessary mechanisms to prevent minors from accessing the Website and/or provide personal data without your supervision, not admitting AlmaWolf any responsibility in this regard.


Privacy Policy Update


This Privacy Policy may need to be updated; Therefore, it is necessary that you review this policy periodically and if possible each time you access the Website, in order to be adequately informed about the type of information collected and its treatment. You can find the Privacy Policy at the bottom of the Website. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we will notify you of any modification of this privacy policy that affects the processing of your personal data.


The Privacy Policy was last updated on October 4, 2019